Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Code matrix in VS 2008

Code metrics is a tool which can show the developer how good is the code. Using set of measurements it will be easier to know how complex the coding is. By taking advantage of code metrics, developers can understand which types and/or methods should be reworked or more thoroughly tested. Development teams can identify potential risks, understand the current state of a project, and track progress during software development.

Below list shows the code metrics results that VS calculates:

Maintainability Index
Maintainability Index, which goes from 0 to 100 and indicates the overall maintainability of a class, member, namespace or project. If the value is higher than it show the code is better maintained. It also comes up with color code for quicker view.

Green - 20 and 100 (good).
Yellow - 10 and 19 (moderate)
Red - 0 and 9 (low)

Cyclomatic Complexity
Cyclomatic Complexity tells you two important things. First, it indicates the general complexity of a method. Lower is better; if the number is high, the method is probably trying to cover too many different situations and needs to be broken up into simpler, specialized methods that cater specifically to individual situations and are much easier to maintain. Second Cyclomatic Complexity tells you the total number of test cases you need to write, to ensure that all possible situations have been covered. So if the value is higher than you have to test the code with more test cases.

Depth of Inheritance
Lower is better; if Depth of Inheritance goes higher than three or four, your code will be difficult to maintain. The higher the number, the more subclasses you will have to modify and it might introduce new bugs when you do changes in base class.

Class Coupling
Lower is better; the higher the number, the more "tied-down" a class is, with more dependencies on the rest of its immediate environment and it will be difficult to reuse.

Lines of Code
Lines of Code (LOC) measure the size of a piece of software by counting the total number of executable lines of code in it. Lower is better. If you have higher value then you can go down to the function and try to break as much as possible. It will be easier to maintain and debug.

Best Practices in framework 2.0

Best Practices in framework 2.0

1)    The runtime optimizes the performance of 32-bit integer types (Int32 and UInt32), so use those types for counters and other frequently accessed integral variables.
2)    For floating-point operations, Double is the most efficient type because those operations are optimized by hardware.
3)    Garbage collection occurs only when needed or when triggered by a call to GC.Collect. Automatic garbage collection is optimized for applications where most instances are short-lived, except for those allocated at the beginning of the application. Following that design pattern will result in the best performance.
string s;
s = "wombat"; // "wombat"
s += " kangaroo"; // "wombat kangaroo"
s += " wallaby"; // "wombat kangaroo wallaby"
s += " koala"; // "wombat kangaroo wallaby koala"
Only the last string has a reference; the other three will be disposed of during garbage collection. Avoiding these types of temporary strings helps avoid unnecessary garbage collection, which improves performance. There are several ways to avoid temporary strings:

BEST PRACTICES Boxing and unboxing
Boxing and unboxing incur overhead, so you should avoid them when programming intensely repetitive tasks. Boxing also occurs when you call virtual methods that a structure inherits from System.Object, such as ToString.
Follow these tips to avoid unnecessary boxing:
4)    Implement type-specific versions (overloads) for procedures that accept various value types. It is better practice to create several overloaded procedures than one that accepts an Object argument.
5)    Use generics whenever possible instead of accepting Object arguments.
6)    Override the ToString, Equals, and GetHash virtual members when defining structures.

Regular Expression
7)    When validating input, always begin regular expressions with a “^” character and end them with “$”. This system ensures that input exactly matches the specified regular expression and does not merely contain matching input.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Performance tips for ASP.net

Performance Tips

1) Always use StringBuilder if you want to Concatenation two strings in a loop. Because if you Concatenation using the string object then both string object will be saved to memory first and then old string will be deleted and values will be read from new string object. It’s time consuming and hit the performance too.

2) Avoid Server Trip- It’s always smart to avoid unnecessary server trip. Some of the methods to avoid server side trips are 1) Do client side validation 2) Implement Ajax control for web application so only partial page will be loaded and not the full page.3) use Page.ISPostBack -Use Page.ISPostBack property to ensure that you only perform page initialization logic when a page is loaded the first time and not in response to client post backs.

3) Save View state- Save the view state only when it is must otherwise skip it. When we can avoid to having view state true. 1) Your page does not post back. It just show the data and there is no need to reload it again. 2) you do not handle server control events in your page. 3) If you ignore old data, and if you repopulate the server control each time the page is refreshed

4) Use of Session Variables- When storing the data in session variable make sure you use efficiently. Even though you close the browser but the session variable remain on server for a long time.

5) Use Server.Transfer – whenever you need to redirect to an page within the website you use Server.Transfer and not Response.Redirect. If you need authentication and authorization checks during redirection, use Response.Redirect instead of Server.Transfer

6) Choose the data viewing control- DataGrid control can be a quick and easy way to display data, but it is frequently the most expensive in terms of performance. Rendering the data yourself by generating the appropriate HTML may work in some simple cases, but customization and browser targeting can quickly offset the extra work involved. A Repeater Web server control is a compromise between convenience and performance. It is efficient, customizable, and programmable.

7) Optimize code and Exception handling- Use for loop instead of for each loop. It’s better to write a code which check the condition and make sure you don’t have exception in your programme flow. Because handling the exception and writing it on server will hit the performance.

8) Use DataReader- Use datareader for fast retrieval. If you want to show just read-only data then better to use datareader instated of dataset.

9) Use Paging- It is general idea that people don’t want to see thousands of data. So it is always better to use paging so that it will increase the performance.

10) Explicitly close resource- Always use try /finally and make sure you close and dispose all the connection and any other objects which is not required any more.

11) Disable Tracking and debugging. Always disable tracking and debugging when you deploy the application on production server. Set debug=false in web.config

12) Use store procedures- In most cases you can get an additional performance boost by using compiled stored procedures instead of ad hoc queries.

13) Always make sure you check Page.IsValid before processing your forms when using Validator Controls.

14) When you can, use toString () instead of format (). In most cases, it will provide you with the functionality you need, with much less overhead.

15) Place StyleSheets into the Header

16) Put Scripts to the end of Document

17) Make JavaScript and CSS External -Using external files generally produces faster pages because the JavaScript and CSS files are cached by the browser. Inline JavaScript and CSS increases the HTML document size but reduces the number of HTTP requests.